Today, during my lesson, I did something that is hard to do in a 172. I made it spin. No, that's not a good thing. I was practicing power-on stalls. The biggest difference between power-off and power-on stalls is that for a power-on, you have to pull the plane back almost straight up before it stalls. All you can see is sky. When the plane stalled, it nosed over and I saw the horizon coming back up slanted. The plane had stalled slightly to the right. Most students' first response is to bank left to correct, but stupid me kicked in the left rudder to correct. I wasn't a very big spin, we didn't spin like 8 times or anything. We spun maybe 90-180 degrees before we pulled up to correct. I tried the power-on stall again and used ailerons instead of rudder, and it worked much better. I still need to work on them though. I practiced instrument flight today and I did extremely well (most likely thanks to all those flight simulators I've been playing). I flew the plane better with instruments than I do with visual. I also landed twice. I'm getting better- I think.
In this video, the Cessna spins about 2 times, and I only spun about 0.5 times. But you get the gist of it.
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